abode Partners with HelloTech to Add “Do it For Me” Installation Services

Hello abode community!
Today we’re pleased to announce a new partnership we’ve been working on with HelloTech. abode has partnered with HelloTech, the leading on-demand, in-home tech support service to provide premium installation and support services to abode customers opting to have their abode smart home security installed for them.
Starting this month, abode customers interested in adding professional installation provided by HelloTech will have the option to add that service at check out on the abode website. From there, preferred appointment times will be selected and confirmed by HelloTech. HelloTech’s highly-rated technicians are available nationwide and automatically matched with the job. Total cost for installation will vary depending on system size however, base pricing starts at $99.
We’re very excited by what the future of this partnership holds in store. Our partnership with HelloTech will begin with do-it-for-me installation services with plans to expand and introduce additional services and support features to customers in the future.
Since the beginning, we’ve always been about choice. With this partnership, we’re offering customers a new choice: to install your abode system on your own or, have it done for you with help from HelloTech. Our systems are just as easy to install as they’ve ever been however if you, or someone you’re buying a system for could use a little help, we wanted to offer that as a solution as well.
As always, thank you for your continued interest in abode and for being an abode customer.
— The abode team